Happy New Year!

December 27, 2012

Today is the last day of work for the year. Thank you to all of you who allow us to keep doing the work we love so well.

We will be back in January and until then wishing you and yours all good things in 2013.

Gabrielle and Penelope


Yesterday the Senate said “no”.  They said “no” to uplifting the voices of people with disabilities around the world. We saw some Senators talking about how they  couldn’t support the Convention because it would create a ripple effect in the U.S resulting in the legislators directing parents’ choices.
Testing and services in public schools are determined by  legislation and budgets.  The special education system is legislated but not designed to teach and prepare students with disabilities for productive citizenship.  In some states the folks  leading state education agencies are lawyers not educators.  The best and the brightest educators become disillusioned and leave the public school system  within 3 to 5 years. The educators who remain, do their best to teach children within the policies of the school district administrators who follow the dictates of the legislators.

Few families have the means or a generous enough healthcare plan affording them the freedom to choose between public school or private services for their child .  People with disabilities and their families want the freedom to be included, to be heard and to choose.  If a disabled child receives public school services, then legislators are already involved in educational choices.
Senators, don’t shut the barn door, the  cow already got away.

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2012

Sharing a Facebook post from Warriors For Autism Incorporated TM http://www.warriorsforautism.com/



An Open Letter to Ann Coulter

That is why we wanted to share John Franklin Stephen’s blog post with you today.

A diagnosis is a classification for a cluster of symptoms exhibited by enough people on the planet to warrant a name. It is an explanation, not an excuse, a reason, a limitation or a character flaw. We are clinicians who bear witness to our clients’ courageous resilience living in a world that often excludes people with neurological differences. Somehow, diagnostic terms have been woven into our common vernacular by the misinformed to depict and describe character flaws.

We are two friends that John Franklin has not met yet who believe that We The People, armed with kindness, respect and thoughtful eloquence will change the conversation and build awareness to include Neurological Differences in our thoughts, in our words and in our actions.

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Tomorrow, October 24th is National Take Back Your Time Day.

We worked with a caregiver years ago who told us the cornerstone to her positive attitude was the 10 minutes she took each day for a cup of tea and an article from her favorite magazine.

So tomorrow, we give you permission to give yourself care and take 10 guilt-free minutes for you.

Cheers to you!

After The Walk

October 15, 2012

Paper Dolls

For those of us in the field for a few moons, it was exciting to see the number of people supporting Autism and Autism Speaks. We are humbled by the families and their resolve to make the world Autism friendly. We are grateful for involvement of the business community.

We Are Here!

October 13, 2012

Come See Us!


Seek East is  participating in Autism Speaks Walk and Resource Fair in Houston this Saturday, October 13, 2012 at Reliant Park, Westridge Lot.  The Resource Fair is 8:00 AM -11 AM.   The walk starts at 10:00 AM.

Walk Now for Autism Speaks is an opportunity to raise money for research, public awareness and to make a difference for people living on the Autism Spectrum. Please join us in our commitment with a donation to Walk Now for Autism Speaks online.    http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/houston/seekeast

See you at the Seek East Booth at the Resource Fair!



We are often asked by our clients, “How bad is it (our loved one’s disability) ?”   The answer is It doesnt matter what we see clinically.  If you live with disabilities, the person under your roof is the most important, profound and clinically significant case in the world. 

Your journey is a marathon, not a sprint.  Someday, the marathon may evolve into a relay.  We wanted to share an article from The New York Times  (October 5, 2012) on a timeless subject for families living with disabilities. 

“Assuring the Care of a Family Member With Special Needs” by Ron Lieber


A Shout Out to….

October 3, 2012


…Turner Classic Movies for dedicating the month of October to how movies have portrayed people living with disabilities. 

….The armada of determined parents and professionals who paved the way for The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).  Some of these movies predate ADA so we believe they offer a heartening reminder about how much public awareness has been heightened and changed by your efforts.  We are proud to stand in the shadow of your legacy.

Click on the link below to  find a list of the 20 movies selected for The Projected Image: The Portrayal of Disabilities on Film:
